Taper - Diminish gradually
Tariff - A government tax on imports or exports
Taunt - Harass with persistent criticism or carping
Taut - Pulled or drawn tight
Tautological - Characterized by unnecessary repetition
Tawdry - Tastelessly showy
Tedious - So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
Temerity - Fearless daring
Temperament - Your usual mood
Temporal - Of this earth or world
Tariff - A government tax on imports or exports
Taunt - Harass with persistent criticism or carping
Taut - Pulled or drawn tight
Tautological - Characterized by unnecessary repetition
Tawdry - Tastelessly showy
Tedious - So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness
Temerity - Fearless daring
Temperament - Your usual mood
Temporal - Of this earth or world
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