Hostile - Harmful, dangerous
Hypothetical - Supposed; related to a hypothesis
Habitat - The type of environment in which an organism normally lives
Habitual - Commonly used or practiced
Habitue - A regular patron
Hackneyed - Repeated too often; over familiar through overuse
Haggard - Showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering
Haggle - An instance of intense argument (as in bargaining)
Halcyon - Idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquility
Hale - Exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health
Hypothetical - Supposed; related to a hypothesis
Habitat - The type of environment in which an organism normally lives
Habitual - Commonly used or practiced
Habitue - A regular patron
Hackneyed - Repeated too often; over familiar through overuse
Haggard - Showing the wearing effects of overwork or care or suffering
Haggle - An instance of intense argument (as in bargaining)
Halcyon - Idyllically calm and peaceful; suggesting happy tranquility
Hale - Exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health
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