Macabre - Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror
Machination - A crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends
Maculate - Spot, stain, or pollute
Maelstrom - A powerful circular current of water
Magnanimous - Noble and generous in spirit
Magniloquent - Lofty in style
Magnitude -The property of relative size or extent
Maim - Injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration
Majestic - Having or displaying great dignity or nobility
Malady - Any unwholesome or desperate condition
Machination - A crafty and involved plot to achieve your ends
Maculate - Spot, stain, or pollute
Maelstrom - A powerful circular current of water
Magnanimous - Noble and generous in spirit
Magniloquent - Lofty in style
Magnitude -The property of relative size or extent
Maim - Injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration
Majestic - Having or displaying great dignity or nobility
Malady - Any unwholesome or desperate condition
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