Clumsy Awkward in movement or action or ungraceful
Propitious Favorable
Foretold Predicted
Ominous Suggesting that something bad is going to happen
Ambidextrous Able to use either hand quality well
Conformity Comply with rules, standards or laws
Infantile Lack of maturity, childish
Perversity Deliberately choosing to behave in an unacceptable way or being contrary to what is accepted
Ambiguous Having more than one meaning
Elites Group regarded as the best in a particular sphere or organization
Propitious Favorable
Foretold Predicted
Ominous Suggesting that something bad is going to happen
Ambidextrous Able to use either hand quality well
Conformity Comply with rules, standards or laws
Infantile Lack of maturity, childish
Perversity Deliberately choosing to behave in an unacceptable way or being contrary to what is accepted
Ambiguous Having more than one meaning
Elites Group regarded as the best in a particular sphere or organization
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