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WRITING TASK 2 (ESSAY TYPE :- Give your opinion)

Task 2

Should parents be obliged to immunise their children against common childhood diseases? Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunise their children?

What is your view of this practice?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer ▼

It's a complicated problem. In general and in actual, parents make decisions of of immunising or not immunising for children from deadly diseases, they have to take the responsibility of children health. From my point of view, it must not be optional and all children have to be vaccinated.

We all know that children who are less than 6 or 7 age are vulnerable to diseases and should have fatal results or big problems in their forthcoming future life if they are not protected from heinous diseases. Though these childhood illnesses might seem very simple, parents must pay attention to their children who are at these ages. By the way, it must not be voluntary for parents to decide what they must do. It is also the future of the country and the nation in terms of having a strong nation. Namely, children comprise the basis of education in the country, so children have a bulk and vital role in the country in terms of education and future. For this reason, governments have to make something special for that, such as legislation. These sorts of regulations will make parents feel responsible for their children.

Children, who suffer from deadly diseases and get affected by that in future, actually start hating their parents. Think about how sad it would be when a child suffers from physical disability only because his parents decided not to vaccinate him in his childhood? That is something we never want to happen to our nation. Actually, there are also some families who want to immunise their children but haven't got sufficient budget to spend for that. In that way, governments have to undertake immunising such children and assign subsidies for those of children. People haven't got the rights not to vaccinate their children. This is not an option, this is a must. Because it is inhumane for both children and parents who might become the victim of deadly diseases. 

To sum up, parents must be responsible for their children and they mustn't choose to immunise or not immunise, that should be a must for parents.


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