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Showing posts from March, 2020


Task - 2 Museums and art galleries should concentrate on local works rather than showing the cultures or artworks from other countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample Answer ▼ Museums and art galleries have long been at the forefront of preserving and representing cultural values and histories, being utilized by almost all countries throughout the centuries. However, whether they should mainly represent traditional and local cultures or display an international collection is open to dispute. I personally believe that traditional museums should focus on outlining the cultural aspects and artworks of the country while having separate museums with items from other countries does not hurt the national feeling. To begin with, educating people about the history and tradition of a country is one of the primary reasons we have museums in the first place. They conserve important cultural specimens, artifacts, artworks, and other items to boast about our past and help...

Vocab Dose

Jingoist -   An extreme bellicose nationalist Jocular - Characterized by jokes and good humor Jollity - Feeling jovial and full of good humor Jostle - Make one's way by pushing or shoving Jovial - Full of or showing high-spirited merriment Jubilant - Full of high-spirited delight Judicious - Marked by the exercise of good judgment in practical matters Juggernaut - A massive inexorable force Juncture - A point in time when a critical decision must be made Junket - A trip taken by an official at public expense

WRITING TASK 2 (ESSAY TYPE :- Agree / Disagree with own example + evidences )

Task 2 Watching television is bad for children.  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Sample Answer ▼ Some parents believe that watching television is bad for their children. So, they try to restrict their children from watching TV. However, other parents think that there is nothing bad in watching TV programmes. Personally, I think that watching TV brings tremendous benefits to the children unless they spend a lot of their valuable time in front of a TV set daily. It is recommended that children should spend less than a couple of hours daily for watching TV programmes and those programmes should be suitable for them. For the following reasons, which I will mention bellow, I believe that television plays an essential role in a child's development. First of all, television helps a child to extend his or her range of interests. Children can fi...

Vocab Dose

Imbroglio -   An intricate and confusing interpersonal situation Imminent -   Close in time; about to occur Impaired -   Diminished in strength, quality, or utility Impartial -   Free from undue bias or preconceived opinions Impasse -   A situation in which no progress can be made Impecunious -  Not having enough money to pay for necessities Impediment -   Something immaterial that interferes with action or progress Impending -   Close in time; about to occur Imperative -   Requiring attention or action Imperceptible -   Impossible or difficult to sense


Task - 2 Fashion trends are difficult to follow these days and it’s widely believed that they primarily exist just to sell clothes. Some people believe that we shouldn’t follow them and that we should dress in what we like and feel comfortable in. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Sample Answer ▼ It’s widely believed in today’s materialistic world that the latest innovative fashion trends hold great significance. On the other hand, such trends are believed to be set only in the pursuit of profits for large designer companies. It seems that in recent times, people are now changing their minds in regards to wearing clothes for comfort and as a personal choice. Personally, I agree that we should pay more attention to individuality and comfort in the way we dress. Firstly, fashion designs exist as a form of creative artistic expression of the designer. A...

Vocab Dose

Accomplice - A person who joins with another in carrying out some plan Accord - Concurrence of opinion Acerbic -   Harsh or corrosive in tone Acme - The highest level or degree attainable Acquiesce - Agree or express agreement Acquit - Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges Acrimonious - Marked by strong resentment or cynicism Acute - Extremely sharp or intense Adamant - Impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason Adept - Having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude

Vocab Dose

Parsimonious -  Excessively unwilling to spend Partisan -  Devoted to a cause or party Pastoral -  Idyllically rustic Patriarchal -  Of a social organization with the male as the head Patrician -   Befitting a person of noble origin Patriotism -   Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it Patronizing -   Characteristic of those who treat others with arrogance Paucity -  An insufficient quantity or number Pecuniary -  Relating to or involving money Pedagogy -   The principles and methods of instruction


Task - 2 Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? What is your viewpoint on this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. Sample Answer ▼ Past and future have to be a part of every city's characteristics; this is what makes cities different and diverse. That’s how we get attracted to one city and feels bored at another. Walking in the streets alone should give us an idea of the history of the city or how technologically advanced it is. So, I think it is a critical task and an influencing one on the inhabitants of the city to decide what historical buildings to keep and what to replace with modern iconic ones. This balance can keep the soul of a city and still hold a place on the race of development. On another hand, I think it is crucial to keep a significant amount of any city's historical buildings as it teaches people about their past and how they actually developed, ...

Vocab Dose

Haphazardly -   Without care; in a slapdash manner Hapless -   Unfortunate and deserving pity Harangue -   Address forcefully Harbinger -   Something indicating the approach of something or someone Harmony -   Compatibility in opinion and action Harried -   Troubled persistently, especially with petty annoyances Harrowing -   Causing extreme distress Hasten -   Move fast Haughty -   Having or showing arrogant superiority Hauteur -   Overbearing pride with a superior manner toward inferiors


Task - 2 The number of overweight children in developed countries is increasing. Some people think this is due to problems such as the growing number of fast food outlets. Others believe that parents are to blame for not looking after their children's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these views? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Sample Answer ▼ There is plenty of evidence to suggest that children are overweight and the situation is getting worse, according to medical experts. I feel there are a number of reasons for this. Some people blame the fact that we are surrounded by shops selling unhealthy, fatty foods such as chips and fried chicken, at low prices. This has created a whole generation of adults who have never cooked a meal for themselves. If there were fewer of these restaurants, then children would not be tempted to buy takeaway food. There is another argument that blames the pa...

Vocab Dose

Gaudy - Tastelessly showy Gaunt - Very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold Gender - The biological or cultural traits associated with one sex Genealogy - The study or investigation of ancestry and family history Generalization - The process of abstracting common properties of instances Generation - All the people living at the same time or of the same age Generic - Applicable to an entire class or group Genetic - Of a segment of DNA involved in producing polypeptide chains Genial - Diffusing warmth and friendliness Genre - An expressive style of music

WRITING TASK 2 (ESSAY TYPE :- Agree / Disagree)

Task 2 There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sample Answer ▼ When it comes to learning, it can be learned from anyone- regardless of age, profession or race. Consequently, I totally disagree with the statement that young people can teach older people nothing. For several reasons, I think that young people can teach older people many things. First of all, young people intend to learn new things faster including the use of new technologies. Young people can always teach the older how to use technologies and those modern tools. Second, young people are more motivated. They aspire to succeed professionally which requires vast knowledge and experience these days. So, they try to acquire knowledge and experience from different sources like the Internet, books, newspaper, magazines and of course from conversations with other people. In terms of knowledge sharing, the young generation can always motivate a...

Vocab Dose

Familial -   Relating to a social unit living together Famine -   A severe shortage of food resulting in starvation and death Farcical -   Broadly or extravagantly humorous Fastidious -   Giving careful attention to detail Fatal -   Bringing death Fatuous -   Devoid of intelligence Fauna -   All the animal life in a particular region or period Fawning -   Attempting to win favor by flattery Fealty -   The loyalty that one owes to a country, sovereign, or lord Feasible -   Capable of being done with means at hand


Task - 2 Many young children have unsupervised access to the internet and are using the internet to socialize with others. This has can lead to a number of dangerous situations which can be threatening for children.  Which problems do children face when going online without parents supervision?  How can these problems be solved? Sample Answer ▼ Due to the developing of technology, it seems that children can easily access the internet to communicate with people without any supervision and this can cause a serious consequence to young children's life. This essay will first discuss one of the main problems which associated with being cheated by bad people and then will suggest a viable solution. The principle problem with giving freedom for kids to joining the social network is they can be benefited by someone who has badly purpose. There is a reason to think that evildoers also use the internet as a tool to searching and approaching their target such as young children....

Vocab Dose

Familial -   Relating to a social unit living together Famine -   A severe shortage of food resulting in starvation and death Farcical -   Broadly or extravagantly humorous Fastidious -   Giving careful attention to detail Fatal -   Bringing death Fatuous -   Devoid of intelligence Fauna -   All the animal life in a particular region or period Fawning -   Attempting to win favor by flattery Fealty -   The loyalty that one owes to a country, sovereign, or lord Feasible -   Capable of being done with means at hand


Task - 2 Children in some parts of the world have less responsibility compared to children in the past. Some people think this as a positive change, however, others think of it as a negative change. What do you think? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.  Sample Answer ▼ How much responsibility a child should take and whether modern children are less interested in performing their duties and obligations is debatable. While offspring in some countries still take many responsibilities, a great number of them, in other countries, are busy with their education and personal interests. I personally believe that the way children take responsibilities has changed over the time, mostly as a positive change, and to what extent a child should carry out these liabilities should be determined by the family and social condition. To begin with, the social, economic and family structure in the past, in most of the developi...

Vocab Dose

Catharsis  - purging of emotional tensions Caustic  - capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action Cease  - put an end to a state or an activity Cede  - relinquish possession or control over Chagrin  - strong feelings of embarrassment Charisma  - personal attractiveness that enables you to influence others Charlatan -  a flamboyant deceiver Chastise  - censure severely Chimerical  - produced by a wildly fanciful imagination Chronic  - long-lasting or characterised by long suffering

WRITING TASK-2 (ESSAY TYPE :- Cause and Solutions)

Task - 2 Overpopulation in many major urban centres around the world is a major problem. What are the causes of this? How can this problem be solved? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write no less than 250 words. Sample Answer ▼ The population explosion in bigger cities in different parts of the world is a pressing issue. There appear to be three major causes of this, and several possible solutions, as we will explain here. Firstly, there is an increasing rate of migration from rural, backwater areas to bigger cities, for better opportunities. Due to lack of employment opportunities and amenities in countrysides, people are compelled to migrate to urban centres. Secondly, there are few colleges, universities or educational institutions in villages, meaning people have to shift to cities that offer such facilities. Finally, health facilities, better job prospects, and developed infrastructure allures people t...

Vocab Dose

Defiance  - an act boldly resisting authority or an opposing force Defunct  - no longer in force or use; inactive Dejected  - affected or marked by low spirits Deleterious  - harmful to living things Delicacy  - something considered choice to eat Deluge  - the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto land Demeanour  - the way a person behaves toward other people Demographic  - a statistic characterising human populations Denounce  - accuse or condemn openly as disgraceful Depict  - show in, or as in, a picture