Task 2 A number of different medical traditions are now widely known and used: Western medicine (using drugs and surgery), herbal medicine, acupuncture (using needles at certain points of the body), homeopathy (using minute doses of poisons), and so on. How important is the patient’s mental attitude towards his/her treatment in determining the effectiveness of the treatment? Sample Answer ▼ For anyone who is in front of a medical problem, the choice of treatment method usually depends on his or her beliefs and faiths. I believe that a great deal of effectiveness of medicine is a direct outcome of patient's mental attitude and condition. First of all, patient should shed the fear of deaths or negative thoughts. A positive thought in mind will always bolster to make wonder in patient's life and recovery from the diseases. Also, patient should consult a good medical practitioner and should trust the judgement received from him or her. If a sick person ha...