Transitory - Adjective not permanent transient, temporal lasting, permanent Unfortunately, the homeless people can only stay in the transitory shelter for a short period of time. Undergirded - Verb secure or fasten from the underside, especially by a rope or chain passed underneath bolster, bottom undermine, neglect We will under-gird his consciousness and his dreams. Flagged - Adjective paved with flat stone slabs abate, faint enhance, improve The garden has a stone-flagged patio. Reckons - Verb establish by calculation calculate, count displace, cancel I don't reckon his chances. Persistence - Noun the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition constancy, resolution lethargy, apathy The millionaire claimed that the secret to his success was persistence. Plumped - (Adjective) having a full rounded shape (Verb) shake or pat (a cushion or pillow) to adjust its stuffing and make it ro...